Here is the link to a short questionnaire, it would be great if you were able to fill it in for us:
The purpose of the questionnaire is to narrow down all of our ideas. We will also be able to find out what a particular audience likes best and then suit our finished trailer more to their interests. We will carry out another questionnaire once we have a chosen idea which will be much more in-depth.
From this research, we would like to find out who our audience is - we will find this out by seeing how many of each gender fill in the questionnaire and what age group they belong to. Whichever gender and age group fill in the questionnaire the most, they will become our target audience. We would also like to find out which idea this audience prefer as that means the idea will be more suited to them. We will be finding out this information by carrying out a short questionnaire on 'Survey Monkey' - the final question is in a ranking format where the audience have to rank each of our ideas from best to worst. This will give us a good idea for what idea we should go with. After the research, we will adapt by choosing one of our ideas that most suits the responses we got from the questionnaire.