Trailer Analysis - The Matrix (1999)


The above video is the trailer for the 1999 film 'The Matrix'. The film's title appears at the end of the trailer which means that intrigue will build up throughout the whole trailer for the audience as they will be wondering what the film's name is if they are interested in seeing it. The film stars Keanu Reeves (John Wick, Speed) and Laurence Fishburne (Apocalypse Now, Event Horizon). Both of these actors are known for starring in action or sci-fi films which means that they will be associated with those genres. This provides a sense of familiarity for the audience as they will know what genre the film will fit in to just by the actors who are starring in it. The trailer is 2 minutes and 30 seconds long which means that it is a full theatrical trailer. 

The trailer begins with a green Warner Bros. logo which immediately connotes signs of Aliens and sci-fi. The trailer begins with the text 'in an ordinary world' - this immediately suggests that it will be a fantasy or sci-fi film due to that opening being a convention of the genre. The text is in green which connotes greed and jealousy - this could suggest that these could be themes that appear later on in the film/trailer. There is also an establishing shot of the location where the film is set - a city. This is a typical convention of an action film which could suggest that 'The Matrix' has hints of being a sci-fi as well as an action. The trailer also begins showing activities of everyday life which hints that there is going to be an extreme contrast later on. This is shown when the trailer says 'as a slave' - the music becomes more dramatic and the cuts become faster which suggests that the movie will be quite fast paced which appeals to audiences. The changing music is also key in creating anticipation that relates to the action. This once again suggests that the movie is either a sci-fi or an action. Pathetic fallacy is also used with the weather at the beginning (dark clouds) which suggests that 'normal' life is miserable and boring whereas later on in the trailer, there is much less of a focus on the weather which suggests that the fantasy life is more interesting and that it is exciting to live life dangerously. The typical fan of a sci-fi/action film is a male in their late teens to around 30. The opening of this trailer will appeal to this audience as it provides identification (boring life) but also prefers escapism (exciting, fantasy lifestyle). 

Build Up
There is no dialogue in the trailer until 40 seconds in which is when the characters are properly introduced. Morpheus and Neo's relationship is introduced using shot-reverse-shot and it looks like Morpheus is Neo's 'guide' - he is informing him about The Matrix. These two characters could also be seen to have a 'student-mentor' like relationship.  This also suggests that Morpheus will be the guide to the audience in introducing them to the film's world. A relationship between the male and female character is also introduced when the female character says 'no one has ever done something like this before'. This is indirectly speaking to the audience, suggesting that the film will be unique. The 'build up' for this trailer includes many conventions for a sci-fi/action film such as 'the everyday human unknowingly being part of another world' - the chosen one. 

One of the problems that the characters have to overcome is that there is a threat to the world. This is a very typical convention for a sci-fi film. This means that the audience will be familiar with the type of film that they are going to watch after seeing this trailer. One of the characters also says 'we are the cure' but does not class himself as human which suggests he may be part of an Alien race. Inhuman species are another key convention of the sci-fi genre. Another problem that one of the characters has to overcome is differentiating between dreams and the real world. This suggests that the film is a sci-fi as it mixes realistic elements with fantasy elements.  The problems that occur during the trailer generally appeal to fans of sci-fi films as they are typical conventions that are frequently used. However, the problem about differentiating between dreams and the world hadn't really been explored in film before this - As sci-fi is quite futuristic, it suggests that audiences will like film ideas that are almost 'from the future' that they haven't seen before. 

There are many events that occur during this trailer. One of these is that the main character is living two lives. This suggests that there is another world or parallel universe which is quite a typical convention for the sci-fi genre. Weapons are also used quite a lot which is typical for an action film. Many of the characters seem to be superhuman as some can fly and punch through walls. This is a feature that you would generally see in a superhero film which suggests that 'The Matrix' may have elements of that genre to. Kung-Fu style fighting also occurs which suggests that it has element of the 'martial arts' genre too. However, the general theme from the whole trailer is sci-fi and action. This is because there is a lot of fighting and the film also takes place in what looks like a parallel universe and includes an inhuman species.

The end title 'The Matrix' appeared as if it was a code - this relates to it being sci-fi which is often associated with technology. This could also be associated as if it was a dream reading (which is mentioned in the trailer). This could also be a hint at the narrative of the film. 

Overall,  I believe that this trailer will not take place in a chronological order - most of the action sequences will probably occur towards the end of the film as that is typically when the excitement occurs. Also, as the film is quite a original and seems like a new idea - it will appeal to sci-fi fans who like futuristic things as the idea will be like something 'out of the future'. I also believe that this trailer tries to target the film towards more intelligent action and sci-fi fans as it doesn't give too much away and can be quite confusing at times - the whole idea about differentiating between reality and dreams. Throughout the trailer, there is also a big use of special effects which is a typical feature of action/sci-fi films and is something that fans of these types of movies will want to see. From this trailer, I believe that The Matrix will be a hybrid of an action and sci-fi movie. 

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