Health & Safety Risk Assessment


Day One - Shots 3&4

  • Weather - If it is raining on the day of filming, the camera may get damaged. To solve this, we will make sure we have an umbrella just in case. We may also have continuity issues if the rain begins half way through our shooting time. Another issue is if the temperature is low then we will need to make sure we are wearing warm clothing so that we did no become ill because of the temperature. Our main way to get around all of this is by checking the weather the morning of the shoot so we can make a confident decision for whether to go ahead or not. 
  • Slipping - As it is coming towards the end of the year, the weather will become considerably colder. This may lead to areas becoming icy or slippy. To make sure that no injuries are caused, we will wear appropriate footwear and walk slowly and sensibly. 
  • Road Danger - As we want quite a wide shot of the house, we may have to be on the road for a period of time. However, we are familiar with this road and know that it is rarely busy and only used by residents of the street. As we are filming in the evening, it will be at its quietest time so we shouldn't be in any danger. To get around this issue, we will be aware at all times of any cars or vehicles approaching. We will also wear a high visibility jacket when on the road so people can see us. 
  • Ladder - For one of our shots, we will be using a small step ladder and a hosepipe. To make this as safe as possible, we will place the ladder on level flooring and have someone next to the ladder holding it. This means that there will be a small chance of any injuries caused by the ladder. We will also make sure we wear appropriate footwear. 
Day Two - Shots 1, 2, 5 & 15
  • Using a Field - as we are filming in a field, we will be contacting the farmer/owner to ask for their permission. This means that we will not be breaching any laws. If the farmer does not give us permission, we have other locations such as a country park that we could use. 
  • Animals - the field is home to farm animals such as cows. The cows aren't usually located in the field but can easily access it. This means we will have to avoid making any loud noises so we do not startle the animals. We must also make sure that we do not disturb or upset the animals. 
  • Other People - the field is popular for dog walkers to visit. This means that we will have to make sure that the people are not in shot. The dogs are kept on leads when embarking through the field which means we will not be in any danger from aggressive or disruptive dogs. 
  • Weather - this make also be an issue but this is outlined above. 
  • Tripping - the field has mole hills in it which are safety hazards. We will be very careful where we step and make sure we make our actors aware when entering the field so that they know to. We will also bring a torch so we will be able to see where we are going as it may get dark due to the time that we are filming. 
Day Three - Shots 18, 20, 22, 24 & 26
  • Masked Killer in Dark Street - as this will take place during nighttime. Our shoot could startle and frighten some people. To make the residents of the village aware, we will inform the community on the villages Facebook group. The person filming will also be wearing a high visibility jacket. We will also try to choose an area where not so many people will be disrupted. We must also make sure to not make any loud noises which may disrupt residents. 
  • Alone at night - we will make sure at least two or more people attend the shoot which means that we won't be alone so that nobody gets lost or put in danger - there is a better chance of us staying safe. We will also make sure our phones are well charged and that adults know our location so that people will know where we are and be able to easily contact us. 
  • There may also be tripping hazards and weather issues which are covered above
Day Four & Five - Shots 27, 28, 25, 29, 30, 32, 16, 13, 17 & 19
  • We need to make sure that we have permission of the owners house to film inside. We will write a letter requesting permission. 
  • We are filming mostly inside the house so we won't have as many issues surrounding weather.
  • We will need to be careful of our surroundings so we don't break any of the items inside the owners house or any of our equipment. 
  • Tripping hazards may also apply if the owner has any loose cables lying around
Day Six - Shots 21, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 23 & 14
  • We need to make sure that we only film people who are happy to be filmed (the people we have cast) and try our best to not include any other students. This is because there may be issues with safeguarding.  We must also seek permission from the people we have have cast to make sure that they are definitely happy to be included. 
  • We need to make sure that we do not film during school time or in areas where lessons are occurring to make sure that we are not a distraction as this may disrupt the school's environment and flow.
  • Tripping hazards may also apply if the school has any loose cables lying around. We must also make sure that we do not leave any cables lying around ourselves so anyone walking by does not trip or harm themselves. 
  • We will also let our teacher know when we are planning to film so they can inform people higher up within the school. This means that senior management will know whats happening and where and when. 
  • As our school includes a lot of glass windows - we must be very aware of the glass reflecting our equipment in it which may lower the quality of our film. 

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