25 Word Pitch & Feedback


The pitch for our trailer is 'Sudden death within a friendship group leads to many suspects where both the audience and characters must discover who the murderer is'. 

For our video, we used clips of films and TV shows that are inspiration for our trailer. We also used a song that was used in a recent horror films trailer 'The Gallows' - we did this because the music we use will likely have a similar feel/theme. The main features of our trailer will be clock ticking in background, a masked killer, dark lighting, fast editing sequences, group of teen friends and a flashback sequence. 

  • From showing our pitch to fellow media students, we found that we could have directly addressed our target audience. We could have done this by showing the BBFC rating for the film which is a 15. 
  • The video itself also doesn't focus much on narrative. However, we have a written pitch as well which is more to do with narrative. 
  • Our fellow students liked how we used clips from other horror trailers as it showed a clear 'feel/theme' for what our trailer will be like.
  • They also liked the music we used as it suited the horror genre. 
  • They also thought our pitch suggested well what the genre of the film would be - a thriller or a horror. 
  • They also liked how we had a sense of what features we were going to use in our trailer - such as the fast editing and dark lighting. 

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