Research into Exemplars of Poster & Magazine


In preparation for making our magazine front cover and poster, we looked at exemplars that were provided by the exam board.

What I Like -

  • I like the main image as it is simple but effective. 
  • I like how you can easily tell that the film that is featured is a horror with the use of blood
  • The whole cover is laid out quite well and doesn't look too crowded
  • It generally sticks with the house style that a typical Empire magazine would have
  • All of the text relates to the film and shows that this issue is a special for the film
What I Don't Like - 
  • The size of the masthead should be larger to make it stand out more. Empire magazine always have their logo in the same size in the same position so this magazine should of stuck to that as they were replicating an Empire style magazine.
  • The barcode is not in the traditional location. Usually, the barcode is location on the right, just under the masthead. 
  • Even though the 'splats' look effective - the text in them is quite small and would be quite hard to read
  • Even though the black colouring is good, it has more connotations of ink than anything violent so doesn't really fit in with the blood or the image of the axe. 
What I Like - 
  • The poster generally sticks to the typical conventions of a poster - most components are in the correct (traditionally) places.
  • The image is well edited and looks quite scary and definitely suggests that this is in the horror genre
  • I like how the smoke from her hair blends into the 'coming soon'
  • The other images are edited in very well and look quite effective.
What I Don't Like - 
  • Even though the other images are edited in well, one of them is quite hard to see due to the text covering it
  • The coming soon looks too large compared to the rest of the text on the page - The white font doesn't really fit into the colours in the rest of the poster
  • The quote from Total Film could be swapped with the tagline which would help the poster stick to convention a lot more
It was good to look at two different exemplars as they gave me inspiration for my own products. 

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