Finishing Filming - Reflection & First Cut


We have now finished filming - over the past few weeks, we have filmed the fast sequence for our trailer and re-shot the end sequence. Whilst editing, we knew the fast sequence was the part that was going to bring the whole trailer together so it is good we now have it shot and edited in. We also wanted to re-shoot the end sequence so that it almost mirrored the opening sequence and stuck with the style of the trailer. We are yet to edit in the revised end sequence but it should be a little longer and have a similar effect to the opening sequence.

When planning to film the fast sequence, we thought that it would take a lot longer than it did to complete. However, we ended up getting quite a lot of good footage and coming up with some extra ideas that were effective. We also made the most of where we were and were able to get shots that we hadn't planned to get that day. The first scene we shot was of the bloody hands - we changed the lighting numerous times so we could decide what looked most effective in the editing sequence - we had full lights, dim lights and a torch. We found that full lights made the blood look a little too red and it didn't look very authentic so we decided not to include any of that footage. However, there was some footage we got where the camera was focused well. From previous filming days, we learnt that it is good to check the footage before we get into school. We transferred our footage onto our laptops to check that it looked good so we knew that it would be good enough to be included in the trailer. We also shot the argument scene as the location we were using had a good clear, pale wall that was just what we wanted. We had to move the lighting and angle of the camera around in order to get the effect we wanted. Whilst filming this, we also came up with shooting a shot of a silhouette of a weapon - we decided on a knife as it would be the easiest to recreate and also fitted well with our trailer as it is the type of weapon the killer would use. We made the knife by cutting out some cardboard and then covered it with tinfoil - it didn't matter how authentic the actual knife looked but that the silhouette looked realistic. We then dipped the 'knife' in fake blood to create a dripping effect.

We also came up with our 'production logo' which resulted in us changing our studio name from Clockwork Films to Spectral films. We filmed the logo using the light reflection of a lid of a patterned candle - this wasn't intentional but it gave a really good effect that we liked. From this shooting day, we learnt a lot about shooting silhouettes and how to get the best effects when doing so - we learnt a lot about getting the right lighting and angles.

We were filming with friends who needed outside shots so we all went on a walk. Whilst doing so, we made the most of the opportunity to get some exterior shots for our trailer. We ended up shooting a shot of a male character turning around and we got some exterior, landscape shots of the church and countryside to create a sense of atmosphere. However, when it came to editing, we couldn't really find a place for this exterior shots so we decided not to include them.

On this day, we also re-shot the flashing killer moments. The original footage we had didn't look very professional as there was a curtain in the background so we made the most of the plain walls. We now have the effect we wanted and think it looks good in our trailer.  The only issue we had was creating the flashing/strobe effect - it was hard to control the flicker of the torch as at first, it was showing different amounts of light depending on how hard we pressed. However, after practice, we knew how hard to press and it worked quite well.

We recently re-shot the end sequence of our trailer which we now think mirrors the opening sequence - there are the same amounts of shots and there are similar shot types (e.g. feet walking, knocking on door etc). This sticks with the style of the trailer and works quite well. We wanted to extend this part of the trailer as we felt it originally came to an end quite quickly and not very effectively. After filming this, we have now concluded our filming for the trailer - unless we find any little bits we would like to re-shoot, we are happy with the footage we have and just have to edit this last sequence into the trailer.

Here is the first draft of our trailer before the revised ending sequence has been edited in:

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