BBFC Classifications and What Our Film Would be Rated


U means Universal. This means that anyone of any age is allowed to watch a film that has this certificate. Us only included infrequent uses of mildly bad language and there is no large focus on sexual behaviour. Violence in films that are rated U is also generally quite mild. Us also have no references to drugs. However, a U rated film isn't necessarily a children's film - it is just a film that includes generally positive messages. Examples of films that are rated U are 'Wall-E', the 2015 version of 'Cinderella', 'Inside Out' and 'Home'. According to the BBFC - U means 'suitable for all'.

PG means parental guidance. This means that the film is suitable for most people but may be unsuitable for younger viewers. PG films aren't all for younger viewers. For example, Saving Mr Banks was rated PG because it didn't include any explicit content, not because it is was a children's film. Mild bad language, brief/infrequent sex references, mild violence and passing references to drugs may all be included in a PG rated film. Examples of films that are rated PG are 'Maleficent', 'Monte Carlo', 'Coraline' and 'Brave'.

12A rated films usually contain content that generally isn't suitable for children under the age of 12. However, the 'A' stands for accompanied which means that children under the age of 12 can watch a 12A rated film if they are accompanied by an adult. Strong language, brief sexual nature, moderate violence and drug misuse may all be included in a 12A rated film. Horror films can also be passed as a 12A if they include only moderate physical and psychological threat. Examples of films that are rated 12A are The Hunger Games series, 'Everest', 'Pitch Perfect 2' and 'Jurassic World'.

An 15 rated film is only suitable for those aged 15 or above. 15 rated films may include strong violence, frequent strong language, sexual activity, references to sex, nudity, brief scenes of sexual violence, discriminatory language and drug taking. 15 rated horror films can include strong threat and horror but there must not be a sustained focus on sadistic or sexualised threat. The most common films that are rated 15 are horrors and comedies. Examples of films that are rated 15 are 'Trainwreck', 'The Visit', 'Magic Mike XXL' and 'Mad Max: Fury Road'.

An 18 rated film is only suitable for adults aged 18 or above. 18 rated films may include very strong violence, frequent strong language, strong portrayals of sexual activity, scenes of sexual violence, strong horror, strong blood and gore, real sex and discriminatory language and behaviour. 18 rated horror films may contain sustained threat, horror and gore. Examples of films that are rated 18 are 'Spring Breakers', 'Gone Girl', 'Fifty Shades of Grey' and 'Legend'.

Our Film

We believe our film will be rated a 15 because of....

Strong Language - would be used frequently
Strong Violence - would be used frequently due to the plot of the film being about mystery murders.
Strong Threat  - all of the characters are under threat from being killed
Blood and Gore - our film would also include a high amount of this when the murders occur

Although our film would be a 15, our trailer would probably only be rated 12A. This is because a lot of the elements would be shortened and toned down. This would also enable the trailer to be broadcast all day which means that the audience would be able to be targeted at any time (Watershed wouldn't be a problem) - the trailer can be marketed on television pre-watershed. 

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