Questionnaire Results


This is our second questionnaire that we carried out. This was much more in depth and was mainly about our new idea. We found that all 15 people who were asked had at least watched one of the TV shows that have similarities to our idea - this suggests that our idea would be of interest to our audience. The audience said that the most important factors in a film trailer are a gripping story, not giving too much away and the soundtrack. We have adapted on this as we will include a twist in our film and have a plot line that includes a lot of twists and turns so the audience won't know what is going to happen next. The whole idea of the mystery killer also helps the idea of the film being unpredictable and the audience shouldn't be able to guess who it is from the trailer. When we gave the audience our 25 word pitch, 73% said a film like ours would interest them. This suggests that our idea will appeal to our target audience. 87% of the people who filled in the questionnaire enjoy murder mystery storylines which also suggests that our idea appeal to our audience. 67% of the people who filled in the questionnaire were female which suggests that our target audience is predominantly female. 

We also asked our also want they thought of our pitch. Some of the comments included 'this sounds great. I love TV shows that follow this formula so it would be great to see it moved to a film version', 'it sounds different, but may need more development to make it stand out against other horror films' and 'an interesting idea, that could work well if executed properly. From this type of feedback, we have added a clock element to our film to introduce some iconography. The whole time element isn't something that is featured in similar TV shows/films. 

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