Deciding on an Idea


We made a spider diagram of the types of things that scare people so we could get an idea of what would be the 'scare factor' in our film.

Here is our idea put into Todorov's Narrative Theory:
Stage 1: Usual happy life, sets up relationships between characters (mainly between boyfriend and girlfriend)
Stage 2: The girlfriend is suddenly killed
----A Year Later----
Stage 3: Messages send to other friends - want to find out who it is, want investigation to resume
Stage 4: Try and go to police, more murders, anyone who starts to get on to the killer is murdered
Stage 5: Murderer discovered and killed, back to happy life, secrets are outed

Note: Stage 5 wouldn't be shown in the trailer.

We then related our films characters to Propp's Character theory:
Villain - murderer
Hero - The friends
Helper - one friend who is on to the killer
False hero - the girlfriend as she has hidden secrets and also the mystery killer as they are someone in the friendship group
Donor - police/detective

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