Trailer Analysis - Regression (2015) - Style of Our Trailer


The above video is the trailer for the upcoming 2015 release 'Regression'. The film's title appears at the end of the trailer which means that intrigue will build up throughout the trailer as the audience will be wondering what the films name is if they are interested in seeing it. The film stars Ethan Hawke (Sinister, Boyhood) and Emma Watson (Harry Potter, My Week with Marilyn). Both of these stars have been in films before that have received a lot of critical acclaim such as Boyhood and My Week with Marilyn. This means that audiences may assume that this film will be to the standard of those films. Ethan Hawke has also starred in thrillers/horrors before such as Sinister which means he will be associated by audiences to this genre. Emma Watson probably suits the target audience (15-19 year olds) as when they were younger, they probably grew up watching Harry Potter and now they are older, they see her in a much more mature film. The trailer is 2 minutes and 11 seconds long which means that it is a full theatrical trailer. 

The trailer begins with a loud bang which immediately grabs the audience attention - this may suddenly create interest. The trailer begins with a close up of a voice recorder which is quite darkly lit which sets the tone of the film and leaves the audience guessing that it could be a crime drama. The main character is first introduced with the voiceover. The character introduces his name as Detective Bruce Kenner which also implies that this is a crime drama. There is also an establishing shot of the location at the start of the trailer which lets the audience know where the film will be taking place. Before the trailer cuts to the name of the studio, the criminal says 'because I did it' - this leaves the audience with even more intrigue. The studios name is in bright orange which is a complete contrast to the colour the rest of the trailer has been. Orange connotes energy and the demanding of attention which suggests that you have to be paying attention to the trailer as the film is something you're going to want to watch. 

The first relationships that are developed are between the detective and the criminal and the detective and witnesses/victims. This shows the detective as quite caring towards the victims and quite serious towards the criminal - this once again suggests the film is going to be a crime drama. 40 seconds in, a ticking noise begins which immediately creates more tension and suspense as if a big reveal is being counted down. The trailer is also full of fast cuts and fades which suggests that the film may be quite fast paced which points it more in the direction of thriller films. At 55 seconds, it is revealed that the killer wears a black mask which almost confirms that this is a thriller rather than a drama/ crime story. 

The trailer gets a lot faster when the fame character says 'and I'll kill you to' - this is followed by a loud bang which almost manipulates the audience to feel a little more excitement and intrigue. When the trailer says 'from Academy Award winner Alejandro Amenabar', it suggests that the film could be worthy of receiving Oscars and will be of a high quality. This association is also added when the trailer says 'director of The Others' - This film was critically acclaimed which suggests that Regression could be similar.  

When the main character says 'do you have any idea what we are up against?' - it creates even more intrigue and excitement and it leaves the audience wondering what the characters are up against. This also suggests that the film will be full of mystery and suspense. The genre of the film is clarified when the trailer says 'comes a new vision of thriller' - this suggests that the film will add something new to the thriller genre and will give audiences another reason to go and see it. 

The ticking resumes at 1 minute and 32 seconds which is when the trailer begins a fast cutting montage of exciting/intriguing scenes - every tick is a new scene. The slogan 'fear always finds its victim' also suggests that the film could fit into the horror genre and fear is usually a big element in horror films. The relationship between the detective and criminal seems to be broken down towards the end of the trailer as he seems to be getting frustrated with her.

At the end of the trailer, the main character says 'this can't be real' and a voice that hasn't been heard before says 'course its not real'. This plays on the dream and illusion element that made Inception such an original and well talked about film. The music is quite subtle throughout the trailer but there is occasional stings of loud noises. This music isn't supposed to be heard but helps add to the tone of the trailer. 
The reason I picked to analyse this trailer is because the end fast cutting montage is very similar to what me and April want to do with our trailer. This film also includes a mystery killer which we are going to include in our trailer.

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