Research: Target Audience React to Scream - The TV Series & Unfriended (Female)


We got 2 students who fit into our target audience (teenagers) to comment on and react to trailers that our film is similar to. Scream - The TV Series is one of the biggest inspirations for our idea so we wanted to see how our target audience would react to the marketing style of that series. Even though, we will be producing a film trailer and not a TV trailer, we still decided to look at this trailer as the concept is quite similar to our film. We showed our audience two Scream trailers and both times, they were received with a mixed reception - they believed that the series didn't seem to take itself too seriously and seemed more like a comedy horror rather than an actual horror. One of the audience members also relates the series to Pretty Little Liars which is another of our inspirations. From their reactions to these trailers, we have learnt that we need to create a feel of an actual horror movie so it is not mistaken for a comedy. We have also learnt to create developed characters as the audience members liked that - they also liked how there was a lot of mystery. 

The second trailer was Unfriended. We chose this as it fits into the slasher horror movie genre which we would like our movie to fit into also. The movie also includes a sense of mystery. The audience pointed out that the trailer began quite 'happy' which was likely to not last. The audience also liked how the film seemed to deal with topics that are quite important/topical right now. The audience also doesn't believe that a spring release is a very good time to release a horror movie. One of the audience members liked how Unfriended was 'a new genre of horror' which suggests she likes originality - we could try and put a twist on our film to make it a little different to your typical horror movie. The gore and violence was another shock factor which suggests that it could be effective if it is included in our trailer. 

Overall, both audience members agreed that all 3 trailers appealed to the teen market which is something we would like our film trailer to appeal to also. The audience were split on which film/tv series that they would rather watch - one member didn't like Unfriended whereas the other liked both. This suggests that the Scream - The TV Series trailers were more effective. The audience members also prefer to not be told too much by the trailer or else it isn't worthwhile seeing the actual film. 

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