Research: Target Audience React to The Hallow, Scream - The TV Series & Red Riding Hood (Male)


We decided to do another 'reaction' video but this time with two males. We did this because our target audience are all teenagers of both genders - we thought we would show some similar trailers to two males to see if they liked them. If they didn't, we could then adapt our idea to be more female targeted. The audience members gave their views on trailers for 'The Hallow', 'Red Riding Hood' and 'Scream - The TV Series'. We chose 'The Hallow' because it is a trailer for a British horror film that has recently been released and has received lots of praise for how effective it is. One of our audience members thought that the trailer included good camera angles which is something we could try and put into our trailer. Both audience members felt that the trailer wasn't very scary and felt that it was quite 'silly'. They also felt that the trailer wasn't very shocking and a little predictable. The trailer was also described as giving too much and away and not engaging. This suggests that for our trailer, we need to not give too much away, build suspense, have shocking elements and be engaging. 

The next trailer we got our audience members to look at was Red Riding Hood. Even though this trailer isn't for a horror, it has a similar 'murder mystery/whodunnit' concept that we would like to create. This trailer was probably received the worst out of the 3 as the audience members believed that not enough was told. Based on this and their previous comments, it suggests that our target audience like a happy medium of how much is given away in a trailer. The audience also didn't really like the romantic element of the trailer - however, due to them being male viewers, the trailer may of had a different reception if 2 females had watched it. The audience members also felt that the trailer wasn't very dramatic and could have done with a better soundtrack. Once again, the audience members appreciated the camera angles and they also liked how the trailer followed the two main characters which helped establish a relationship. 

Finally, we showed the audience members the same trailer we showed the female audience members for 'Scream - The TV Series'. We did this because the concept is an inspiration for our idea so we wanted to know whether both genders approved it. One of the audience members felt like the trailer had similarities to Midsummer Murders which is a good thing as that also has a similar concept to our idea. Both audience members felt like this trailer was the best one as it had the happy medium of how much was given away. The audience also liked the use of soundtrack in the trailer which is something we would be able to incorporate in our idea. Both audience members favoured Scream- The TV Series. 

Overall, from both sets of audience members, the Scream trailer was received much better than any other we showed them. This suggests that the concept appeals to our target audience and the way Scream is marketed is something we should look into for our promotional material. 

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