20 Key Moments and Features in Our Trailer


Here are 20 key moments, scenes and features that we are planning to include in our trailer. 
  1. A teen friendship group
  2. A death that occurred a few years ago comes back to haunt the group 
  3. A mystery killer 
  4. An investigation board showing the suspects
  5. An arrest of the prime suspect in the case
  6. Mystery messages from the killer
  7. Dark alleyway which becomes the scene of the murder
  8. Many scenes set in a school environment
  9. Create suspense through the soundtrack 
  10. Effective font for the text/titles 
  11. An investigation in to the killer
  12. An interview scene with suspects 
  13. Trailer will end with someone opening the door to the murderer
  14. Killer wears a mask to disguise themselves 
  15. Scenes showing friendship between friend and victim
  16. Diegetic sounds linked to horror such as screaming
  17. Mini clips, fast cutting to show different scenes
  18. Sequence that sets up different suspects
  19. Studio titles to come after the prequel scenes
  20. Tensions between friends; relationships tested

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